Current setup steps – FUTEK CSG110 (JM-2A / JM-2AD)-Series User Manual
Page 11
Input Range
Output Range
0–10 V
4–20 mA
0–10 V
5–25 mA
0–10 V
0–16 mA
0–10 V
0–20 mA
0–5 V
4–20 mA
0–5 V
5–25 mA
0–5 V
0–16 mA
0–5 V
0–20 mA
Current Setup Steps
3. With the sensor and CSG110 completely connected
apply the 14 to 26 VDC power to the CSG110.
4. With no load on the sensor adjust the Zero potenti-
ometer until the output current is as close to the zero
load output level as possible.
5. With a known load placed on the sensor adjust the
Span potentiometer to as close to the appropriate
output level as possible. For example, 20 mA for a
full load output.
6. Remove the load and reconfirm the zero load output,
and then reapply the known load and re-confirm the
span output.
Note: Adjusting the Span will affect any system calibrations.
Adjusting zero will not affect calibration.