Dwyer 1600 User Manual
Page 24

Rev. 10/98
Set Point Output Low Limit: Select 0 to 90% but less than S#OH.
This item limits the lowest output value. This is useful for adding
a bias to the process when needed. When a current or voltage
output is used, the standard output value is 0 to 20mA or 0 to 10V.
If 4 to 20 mA or 2 to 10 V is required, the S#OL value should be
set for 20% to raise the lowest output.
Set Point Output High Limit: Select 10 to 102% but greater than
S#OL. This item allows setting the maximum output limit. This is
useful with processes that are over powered.
Set Point Lamp: Select O on or OoFF.
O on
Lamp ON when Output is ON.
Lamp OFF when Output is ON.
Set Point 2 type: Select AbS or dE.
Absolute SP2. SP2 is independent of SP1, and may be
set anywhere between the limits of SPL and SPH.
Deviation SP2. SP2 is set as a deviation from SP1, and
allows SP2 to retain its relationship with SP1 when SP1
is changed (tracking SP2).
Caution: In any critical application where failure could
cause expensive product loss or endanger personal
safety, a redundant limit controller is recommended.
When setting an alarm value for an absolute alarm (ALt = AbS), simply set
the value at which the alarm is to occur.
When setting the alarm value for a deviation alarm ( ALt = dE), set the
difference in value from the Set Value (SV) desired. For example if a low
alarm is required to be 5 degrees below the SV, then set ALLo to -5. If a high
alarm is required 20 degrees above the SV, then set ALHi to +20. If SP1
is changed, the alarm will continue to hold the same relationship as
originally set.