AMD SEMPRON 10 User Manual

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Chapter 1

AMD Sempron™ Processor Model 10 with 256K L2 Cache Data Sheet

31994A —1 August 2004

The AMD Sempron processor model 10 with 256K of L2 cache is
binary-compatible with existing x86 software and backwards
compatible with applications optimized for MMX™, SSE, and
3 D N o w ! ™ t e c h n o l o g y. U s i n g a d a t a f o r m a t a n d
single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) operation based on the
MMX instruction model, the AMD Sempron processor model 10
c a n p ro d u c e a s m a ny a s fo u r, 3 2 -b i t , s i n g l e -p re c i s i o n
floating-point results per clock cycle. The 3DNow! Professional
technology implemented in the AMD Sempron processor model
10 with 256K of L2 cache includes integer multimedia
instructions and software-directed data movement instructions
for optimizing such applications as digital content creation and
streaming video for the internet, as well as instructions for
d i g i t a l s i g n a l p ro c e s s i n g ( D S P ) a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n s

The AMD Sempron processor model 10 with 256K of L2 cache
features a seventh-generation microarchitecture with an
integrated, exclusive L2 cache, which supports the growing
processor and system bandwidth requirements of emerging
software, graphics, I /O, and memory technologies. The
high-speed execution core of the AMD Sempron processor
model 10 includes multiple x86 instruction decoders, a
dual-ported 128-Kbyte split level-one (L1) cache, an exclusive
256-Kbyte L2 cache, three independent integer pipelines, three
address calculation pipelines, and a superscalar, pipelined,
out-of-order, three-way floating-point engine. The floating-point
engine is capable of delivering top-of-the-class performance on
numerically complex applications.

The AMD Sempron processor model 10 with 256K of L2 cache
also includes Q uantiSpee d™ architecture, a 333-MHz,
2.7-Gigabyte per second AMD Athlon™ system bus, and
3DNow! Professional technology. The AMD Athlon system bus
c o m b i n e s t h e l a t e s t t e ch n o l o g i c a l a dva n c e s , s u ch a s
point-to-point topology, source-synchronous packet-based
transfers, and low-voltage signaling to provide an extremely
powerful, scalable bus for an x86 processor.