3 taking measurements, 4 using manual ranging function – Thermo Fisher Scientific EcoScan CON 6 & TDS 6 User Manual

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Instruction Manual CON 6/TDS 6



Taking Measurements

To take readings:

Rinse the probe with de-ionized or distilled water before use to remove

any impurities adhering to the probe body. Shake or air dry. To avoid

contamination or dilution of your sample, rinse probe with a small volume

of your sample liquid.


Press ON to switch on meter.


Dip the probe into the sample.


Allow time for the reading to stabilize. Note the reading on the display.

NOTE: When dipping the probe into the sample, take care to

ensure that the liquid level is above its upper steel

band. Stir the probe gently in the sample to create a

homogenous sample. See Figure in Section 3.4.


Using Manual Ranging Function

By default your meter has auto-ranging ability and would automatically selects

the range in which your readings appear.
However, you may also manually select a specific range you want to measure.

This is possible by simply pressing ▲ key successively for each measurement

range. The five ranges are:


Range (CON 6)

TDS Range (TDS 6)

(if TDS factor is 0.5)

0 – 20.00 μS/cm

0 – 10.00 ppm

0 – 200.0 μS/cm

0 – 100.0 ppm

0 – 2000 μS/cm

0 – 1000 ppm

0 – 20.00 mS/cm

0 – 10.00 ppt

0 – 200.0 mS/cm

0 – 100 ppt