Thermo Fisher Scientific EcoScan CON 6 & TDS 6 User Manual

Page 17

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Instruction Manual CON 6/TDS 6





Important Information on Meter Calibration

Your meter has five measuring ranges. You can calibrate one point in each of

the measuring ranges (up to five points). If you are measuring values in more

than one range, make sure to calibrate each of the ranges you are measuring.
The following table lists the corresponding conductivity and TDS ranges. You

should calibrate each range using a solution that falls between the values in the

“recommended calibration solution range” column

Conductivity Range



Solution Range

TDS Range



Solution Range

0.00  20.00 µS

6.00 to 17.00 µS

0.00  10.00 ppm

3.00 to 8.50 ppm

0.0  200.0 µS

60.0 to 170.0 µS

10.0  100.0 ppm

30.0 to 85.0 ppm

0  2000 µS

600 to 1700 µS

100  1000 ppm

300 to 850 ppn

0.00  20.00 mS

6.00 to 17.00


1.00  10.00 ppt

3.00 to 8.50 ppt

0.0  200.0 mS

60.0 to 170.0


10.0  200 ppt

30.0 to 170 ppt

When you recalibrate your meter, old calibrations are replaced on a range

basis. For example, if you previously calibrated your conductivity meter at 1413

µS in the 0 to 2000 µS range and you recalibrate at 1500 µS (also in the 0 to

2000 µS range), the meter will replace the old calibration data (1413 µS) in that

range. The meter will retain all calibration data in other ranges.
To completely recalibrate your meter, or when you use a replacement probe, it

is best to clear all calibration data. To erase all the old conductivity or TDS

calibration data completely, see Section 6.8 – Restore Factory Default Values.