Atlantis Land A02-RAV260-W54 User Manual
Page 66

VoIPMaster 260W
• Add Raw IP Filter: Click this button to add a new Protocol Filter.
• Packet Filter Rules: On this table, you see packet filter rules; you can click on Edit to
modify rule or Delete
• Rule Name: Insert rule name; rule name must be different
• Time Schedule: It is self-defined time period. You may specify a time schedule for your
prioritization policy. For setup and detail, refer to Time Schedule section
• Source IP Address(es) / Destination IP Address(es): This is the Address-Filter used
to allow or block traffic to/from particular IP address(es). Selecting the Subnet Mask of
the IP address range you wish to allow/block the traffic to or form; set IP address and
Subnet Mask to to inactive the Address-Filter rule.
• Type: Specify the packet type (UDP or TCP) that the rule will be applied to.
• Source Port: This Port or Port Ranges defines the port allowed to be used by the
Remote/WAN to connect to the application. Default is set from range 0 ~ 65535. It is
recommended that this option be configured by an advanced user.
• Destiantion Port: This is the Port or Port Ranges that defines the application.
• Inbound / Outbound: Select Allow or Block the access to the Internet (“Outbound”)
or from the Internet (“Inbound”).