B.78 [source:]list:trigger command, B.79 [source:]list:voltage command, B.80 [source:]list:voltage? query – KEPCO BOP 1KW-MG Operator Manual, Firmware Ver.4.08 to 4.11 User Manual
Page 177: B.81 [source:]list:voltage:apply command, B.78, Sour, B.79, B.80, B.81, B.79, b.80
BOP-1K 070212
Short Form: LIST:TRIG
Long Form: LIST:TRIGger
Description: Similar to LIST:VOLT or LIST:CURR, except also allows Output Off flag of External Protection
Port to be used to trigger an external device. In addition to setting the output to the
fied (for duration established by LIST:SET:TRIG), causes the Output Off flag transistor (EXT_E, pin 5,
and EXT_C, pin 6, of the External Protection port) to be set to the state (on or off) for the duration set
by the LIST:SET:TRIG command.
If the trigger duration is not established by the LIST:SET:TRIG command, a -221 “Settings conflict”
error results. This command must be preceded by LIST:CURR or LIST:VOLT command, otherwise a -
221 “Settings conflict” error results. The entries on the dwell list must match the values on the current
or voltage list, otherwise a -226 “Lists Not Same Length” error results. (See Figure B-7.)
Short Form: LIST:VOLT[:LEV]
Long Form: LIST:VOLTage[:LEVel]
Description: Adds the voltage value (in Amps) to list. This command sequentially adds LIST:VOLTage values
to the main channel List Data Table locations illustrated in Table B-2. LIST:CLE sets starting location to
0. Next location indicated by LIST:VOLT:POIN? The maximum number of entries is 2950, 3933, or
5900. Since the input buffer of the BOP has a limit of 253 characters, multiple commands are neces-
sary to complete the full 5900 entries of the list. If LIST:CURR has any entries, an error message:
-221,”Settings conflict” is posted in the error queue. Related Commands: LIST:VOLT:POIN?,
FUNC:MODE, LIST:CLE, *RST. (See example, Figure B-5.)
Short Form: LIST:VOLT?
Long Form: LIST:VOLTage?
Return Value:
Description: Identifies the parameters (main channel) entered for the list. Starting at location established by
LIST:QUERy, returns comma-separated list of up to 16 values indicating the main channel parameters
entered. i.e., the contents of the main channel locations of Table B-2. Related Commands: LIST:
VOLT, LIST:QUERy. If LIST:CURR has any entries, an error message: -221,”Settings conflict” is
posted in the error queue. (See example, Figure B-5.)
Long Form: LIST:VOLTage:APPLy
Description: Causes the unit to add a series of points to both the list:volt array and the list:dwell array to
make either a level or a waveform of one of five types. Refer to table 3-11 for a description of the
waveform types. The waveform type specified is generated at the frequency specified with a peak-to-
peak amplitude centered on zero. If the optional offset value is specified, the center of the generated
series of points is moved off zero. The apply generator takes into account the soft limits for the voltage
channel and insures the generated array does not exceed the unit’s capabilities.