Ps-tools features, User profile – Fire-Lite PS-Tools MS-9200UDLS User Manual
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198 Pt Addr.Panel
PS-Tools Features
PS-Tools provides many features such as:
Maintaining details of the fire panel customers.
Configuring the settings for the fire panel for a customer.
Verify Setup feature which helps in verifying the configuration before downloading to panel.
Download utility to download the configuration information to the fire panel.
Upload utility to upload the event logs, history data, and troubleshoot data from fire panel.
File Comparison utility, which allows location by location comparison of separate upload and
download files.
Export Configuration feature to export the saved configuration to a file.
Import Configuration details from the panel.
Graphical representation of the installed devices.
Simulation feature, which displays the correlation of the input and output devices.
Migrate the database files from PK-Plus to PS-Tools.
Fire panel troubles and events troubleshooting.
User Profile
lists the roles and responsibilities for the PS-Tools users.
Table 1-1
User roles and responsibilities
User Role
Responsible for
Service Technician/Installer
Commissioning and installing the fire
alarm system.
Configuring the fire panel
programmable data.
Support Engineer
Attending the support calls from the
Providing training to the service
Fire Panel distributors
Marketing the fire panels.
Primary and Secondary Central
Reporting events, troubles, and alarms
to the central station.