Edwards Signaling 517TCS User Manual
Introduction, How your smoke alarm works, Fire protection plan

P/N 550-0173-002 © 2001
CHESHIRE, CT 203-699-3300 FAX 203-699-3365
517TCS Series Photoelectric Type
Single Station/Multi-Station Smoke Alarms with Strobe
AC Powered, 120V 60 Hz
The 517TCS Series Smoke Alarm is a Photoelectric Type Alarm for use
as an evacuation device. Each alarm has a solid state piezo that emits a
temporal 3 signal with strobe to warn and alert the household to the presence
of threatening smoke.
Your Photoelectric alarm is designed to detect the smoke that results
from an actual fire. Consequently, it is uncommon for household smoke
such as cigarette smoke or normal cooking smoke to cause an alarm.
The 517TCS Series Smoke Alarm operates on the photoelectric light
scatter principle. The units sensing chamber houses a light source and a
light sensor.
The darkened sensing chamber is exposed to the atmosphere and de-
signed to permit optimum smoke entry from any direction while rejecting
light from outside the alarm.
The light source is an infrared (invisible) LED which pulses every 8 sec-
onds. The light sensor is a photodiode matched to the light frequency of
the LED light source.
Under normal conditions, the light generated by the pulsing infrared LED
is not seen by the light sensor, as it is positioned out of the direct path of
the light beam. When smoke enters the sensing chamber, light from the
pulsing LED light source is reflected by the smoke particles onto the pho-
todiode light sensor. At the first sighting of smoke, the alarm is put into a
pre-alarm mode. This is indicated by a rapidly flashing LED on the face of
the alarm. Once the light sensor confirms smoke for 2 consecutive pulses
inside the chamber, the light sensor produces the signal necessary to trig-
ger the alarm.
This technique of verifying the smoke condition, combined with a 5-to-1
signal-to-noise ratio, substantially reduces the possibility of nuisance alarms.
Installation Instructions - Owner's/User's Information Manual
the red LED will flash rapidly instead of glowing steady. If AC power fails,
the green LED will turn off.
NOTE: Tandem Interconnect Models.
· When testing one alarm, the alarm that is activated will flash the red
indicator light emitting diode and sound its alarm horn, all other units will
sound the alarm horn with red indicator light emitting diodes remaining
· The test knob of your alarm simulates actual smoke conditions.
This Smoke Alarm can quickly alert you to the presence of smokeit
cannot prevent fire. Please note that there are hazards against which smoke
detection may not be effective, such as smoking in bed, explosions, when
a closed door separates the alarm from the source of the smoke, etc. The
ultimate responsibility for fire protection rests solely on you.
1. To minimize fire hazardsavoid improper storage of flammable liquids
and dont leave small children home alone.
2. Bedroom doors should be closed while sleeping if a smoke alarm is
installed in the bedroom. They act as a barrier against heat and smoke.
3. Establish an escape plan:
(a) Post a detailed floor plan depicting the chosen escape routes.
(b) Each bedroom should have at least two escape routes.
(c) Make sure your children know what to do in case of fire and teach
them to follow the escape plan you have posted.
(d) Agree on an outside meeting place.
(e) Conduct fire drills at least twice a year.
Be sure each member of the family is familiar with the smoke alarm
so they can react properly.
If the alarm should sound:
1. Never waste time dressing or gathering valuables. Follow the escape
route and leave the house immediately.
2. Check bedroom doors before opening. If the door is hot or smoke is
leaking in around the edgesDO NOT OPENuse the alternate es-
cape route.
3. If there is smoke in the escape routekeep close to the floor and take
short breaths. If possible, cover your nose and mouth with a wet cloth.
4. Do not use your own telephonecall the Fire Department from your
neighbors house.
5. Once out, do not re-enter your house, but proceed to your prearranged
meeting place.
Putting up smoke alarms is just the first step in protecting your family
from fires. You also must reduce the chances that fires will start in your
home and increase your chances of safely escaping if one does start. To
have an effective fire safety program:
a. Install smoke alarms properly following the instructions in this
manual. Keep your smoke alarms clean. Test your alarm weekly
and repair or replace it when it no longer functions. As with any
electronic product, alarms have a limited life, and alarms that dont
work cannot protect you.
b. Follow safety rules and prevent hazardous situations:
· Use smoking materials properly; never smoke in bed.
· Keep matches and cigarette lighters away from children.
· Store flammable materials in proper containers and never use them
near open flames or sparks.
· Your alarm is provided with an alarm horn and pulsating Light Emitting
(indicator) Diode, which pulses every 15-30 seconds, and a green AC
power on LED on some models.
· When turning the test knob on the alarm to test 1 the red light emitting
diode should glow steady RED and horn should sound. On some units,