Hired-Hand Farm Hand Series: Vent Master 16 Stage User Manual
Page 11

Part No. 4801-5098 Farm Hand Vent Master 8
Press any stage
button to set
Adjust value
with + and -
Stage Button
Target Low Pressure Limit = Target Pressure + ½ Pressure Differential
8.2 Running Vent Machines
Under normal circumstances the machines should be left in automatic (Auto) as shown above.
This way, if the controller needs to open the vents, it will open them. However, if you want to
open or close them for any reason do the following.
1. Find the switches for the machine you want to run, and check that the Open/Off/Close switch
is in the Off position. This makes sure that the machine does not run until you want it to.
2. Place the Automatic/Manual switch for that machine in the “Manual” position.
3. To open the machine place the Open/Off/Close switch to the position marked “Open”.
4. To close the machine place the Open/Off/Close switch to the position marked “Close”.
5. Finally when you are finished positioning the machine, place the switch back into the “Off”
position. Note: "Off" position is between "Open" and "Close".
6. When you are ready for the controller to take over control of the vents, return the
Automatic/Manual switch to the automatic position.
8.3 Adjusting Stage On/OffPoints
If you decide that a fan stage comes on too soon, or waits until temperature is too high to come
on, you can easily adjust that setting. To adjust the stage OnPoint, press the numbered stage
button one time. The individual stage display will
flash, and the main display will flash between
“On” and the Target Temperature. Use the +
button to raise the value in the individual stage
display until you see the correct temperature, or
the - button to lower the value until the stage
OnPoint is where you want it. When you are
finished setting a new value, press the individual
stage button again and the main display will read
“Off” and flash the target temperature. Use the +
and/or - buttons until the correct setting shows in
the individual stage display.
Notice that as you press the stage button the first time, all of the individual stage displays show
their stage’s OnPoints. Only one stage will flash this reading. When you press the + and/or -
button, you will only adjust that particular stage's value. To adjust another stage, press that
stage’s button.
When you have finished setting your stage On/OffPoints press the individual stage button once
more, and the system will not flash any stage displays, and the main display will read a steady
value. Your Vent Master is now operating normally again.
Manual Open
(UP), Off (Center)
and Close
(DOWN) switch