Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Software Licensing Guide User Manual

Page 28

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The output from the show license command is the same for an FSX 800 or FSX 1600 device.

device#show license

Index Package Name Lid License Type Status License


1 FCX624-EL3U cpFNJHFFGO normal active unlimited

To display specific software license information installed on a FSX 800 or FSX 1600 device, enter the
following command.

device#show license 1

License information for license <1>:

+package name: FCX624-EL3U

+lid: cpFNJHFFGO

+license type: normal

+status: active

+license period: unlimited

Syntax: show license index_number

The index_number variable specifies the specific license file installed on the device.

To display software license information for a specific stack unit on an ICX 6610, ICX 6450, or an FCX
device, enter the following command. In the following output example, the ICX 6610 premium license,
and the PoD license are installed on unit 3.

device#show license unit 3

Index License Name Lid License Type Status License

Period License Capacity

Stack unit 3:

1 ICX6610-PREM-LIC-SW FJdnjFJFGiF Normal Active

Unlimited 1

2 ICX6610-10G-LIC-POD FJdnjFJFGiF Normal Active

Unlimited 8

Syntax: show license [ unit unit_id]

The unit unit_id parameter specifies the unit ID number. The unit ID number is available only on FCX,
ICX 6610, and ICX 6450 devices.

The following table describes the information displayed by the show license unit command

Output from the show license unit command





The index number specifies the software license file for a specific stack. The index number is
generated by the member unit.

License Name

The name of the license installed for the license index number on the stack unit.


The license ID. This number is embedded in the Brocade device.

License Type

Indicates whether the license is normal (permanent) or trial (temporary).

Software Licensing Tasks


FastIron Ethernet Switch Software Licensing Guide
