Installing a license file, Using secure copy to install a license, Devices – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Software Licensing Guide User Manual
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Installing a license file
Once you obtain a license file, place it on a TFTP or SCP server to which the Brocade device has
access, and then use TFTP or SCP to copy the file to the license database of the Brocade device.
Using TFTP to copy a license file on FSX 800 and FSX 1600 devices
To copy a license file from a TFTP server to the license database of the Brocade device, enter a
command such as the following at the privileged EXEC level of the CLI.
device# copy tftp license lic.xml
Syntax: copy tftp license [ IP_address |ipv6_address]license_filename_on_host
The IP_address variable is the address of the IPv4 TFTP server.
The ipv6_address variable is the address of the IPv6 TFTP server.
The license_filename_on_host variable is the file name of the license file.
If you attempt to download the same license twice on the device, the following error message is
displayed on the console.
Can't add the license string - 93 (DUPLICATE_LICENSE)
Using TFTP to copy a license file on FCX and ICX devices
You can copy a license file from the active unit to all other member units without having to physically
disable the stack to install a license for each unit. To copy a license file from the active unit to all other
member units in the system, enter a command such as the following at the privileged EXEC level of
the CLI.
device# copy tftp license FCX_ADV_LIC_PERP.xml unit 2
Syntax: copy tftp license [IP_address|ipv6_address]license_filename_on_host unit unit_id
The IP_address variable is the address of the IPv4 TFTP server.
The ipv6_address variable is the address of the IPv6 TFTP server.
The license_filename_on_host variable is the file name of the license file.
The unit unit_id parameter specifies a unit for which you want to add a software license file. The
unit_id variable can be from 1 through 8.
If you attempt to download the same license twice on the device, the following error message is
displayed on the console.
Can't add the license string - 93 (DUPLICATE_LICENSE)
Using Secure Copy to install a license
SSH and Secure Copy (SCP) must be enabled on the Brocade device before the procedures in this
section can be performed. For details, refer to the "SSH2 and SCP" chapter in the FastIron Ethernet
Switch Security Configuration Guide.
Installing a license file
FastIron Ethernet Switch Software Licensing Guide