Deleting a license on fcx and icx devices, Using a trial license, What happens when a trial license expires – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Software Licensing Guide User Manual

Page 22

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The index_number variable is a valid license index number. The license index number can be
retrieved from the show license command output. For more information, refer to

Viewing information

about software licenses

on page 23.

When removing a license on an FSX device running a release 08.0.01 image, Brocade recommends
an immediate reboot.

Deleting a license on FCX and ICX devices

To delete all license files for a specific unit, enter the following command at the privileged EXEC level
of the CLI.

device# license delete unit 3 all

To delete a specific license file from a unit, enter the following command at the privileged EXEC level
of the CLI.

device# license delete unit 3 index 3

Syntax: license delete unit unit_id [ all | index license_index]

The unit_id variable specifies the unit ID number.

The all option allows you to delete all license files for a specific unit.

The index license_index parameter specifies the software license file, and is generated by the
member unit. The license index number is the license file you want to delete from a unit. The license
index number is not unique across stack units, and the user must specify both the unit number and the
index number to delete a license from a specific unit. For example, the FCX-ADV-LIC-SW license is
installed on both stack unit 3, index 1, and stack unit 5, index 1. Because the index numbers are the
same, the user must specify both the unit number and the index number to delete a license from a
specific unit.

In the ICX 6650, deleting a 10 GbE or 40 GbE license requires a system reload for the command to
take effect.

Using a trial license

A trial license must be requested and installed by a Brocade representative.

A trial license enables demonstration and evaluation of a licensed feature. The trial license is valid for
a period of up to 45 days, and is renewable for an additional 45 days. A licensed feature operating
under a trial license has the same functionality (CLI and show commands) as does a licensed feature
operating under a normal license. You cannot install more than one trial license of the same license ID
on the device. Only one trial license of the same license ID is operational.

What happens when a trial license expires

A trial license expires when it exceeds the specified expiration time or date. The countdown starts
when the trial license is generated. When the license expires, the CLI commands related to the

Deleting a license on FCX and ICX devices


FastIron Ethernet Switch Software Licensing Guide
