Explicit connection, I/o connection, Table 13. connection object revision history – Watlow Series SD6 Limit With Devicenet User Manual

Page 7: Table 14. connection object class attributes

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Wa t l o w S e r i e s S D 6 L i m i t w i t h D e v i c e N e t


Table 13. Connection Object Revision History




Initial Release

Table 14. Connection Object Class Attributes

Attribute #

Access Rule


DeviceNet Data

Description of

Semantics of Values

Explicit Connection

The Explicit Connection Object defines the configuration
for the Explicit connection to the device. The Explicit
Connection object is an instance of the Connection Object
defined in the DeviceNet Specification.

I/O Connection

I/O Connection objects define the configuration for the I/O
connections to the device. Each I/O Connection object is an
instance of the Connection object defined in the DeviceNet
. All devices must be Group 2 devices and
must support, as a minimum, the I/O Poll connection in the
Master/Slave connection set.

Watchdog Timeout Action Attribute defines the action
performed by the I/O Connection object in the event the
Inactivity/watchdog Timer for the connection expires. For
the I/O Connection object, Auto Reset shall be an invalid
value for the Watchdog Timeout Action attribute.

Produced Connection Path Attribute defines the
Application object class, instance, and attribute that pro-
duces data over the I/O connection. For all I/O connections,
the Produced Connection Path shall be a Logical Segment,
as defined in the DeviceNet Specification, and shall point
to the Data Attribute of an Assembly object. The behavior
of the device shall be such that, if the Produced Connection
Path attribute is modified, the Produced Connection

Size Attribute shall be modified internally to accurately
reflect the size of the assembly produce by the I/O connec-
tion. For all I/O connection objects in the Master/Slave
Connection Set, if the Produced Connection Path attribute
is modified, the new attribute value shall be saved in Non-
Volatile (NV) memory and shall be the default value when
the connection is allocated.

Produced Connection Size Attribute specifies the max-
imum number of data bytes produced over the I/O connec-
tion. The Produced Connection Size attribute shall have
Get Only access for all I/O connection objects. The Produced
Connection Size attribute shall accurately reflect the size
of the assembly produced over the I/O connection.

Consumed Connection Path Attribute defines the
Application object class, instance, and, optionally, attribute
that consumes data received over the I/O connection. For
all I/O connections over which the device is the Server (as
specified by the Direction field of the Transport Class
Trigger attribute), then special requirements as defined in
the Semi SIG specification shall be followed.

Consumed Connection Size Attribute specifies the
maximum number of data bytes consumed by the I/O con-
nection objects. The Consumed Connection Size attribute
shall accurately reflect the size of the assembly consumed
by the I/O connection, as specified by the Consumed
Connection Path attribute of the Data With ACK Path List
attribute of the Acknowledge Handler object.