Uploading a display image to the device, Deleting a display image from the device – AMX Metreau Entry Communicator with Display MET-ECOM-D User Manual

Page 48

background image

Using the Configuration Manager


Metreau Entry Communicators


Click OK.

Uploading a Display Image To The Device


Under File Upload, click the Browse button.


Navigate to your image file and select.


Click Submit.

Deleting a Display Image From the Device


Select the image that you want to delete from the device.


Click on the Delete icon.


The system prompts you to verify this action (press OK to proceed).

Create Dynamic Image dialog (Cont.)

• Refresh Rate:

Use the up/down arrows to adjust the number of seconds between refreshes
in which the resource is downloaded again. Refreshing resources will cause
the button displaying that resource to refresh as well.
The default value is zero (0), which means that the resource is only
downloaded once.

• Refresh only at

Panel Startup:

This option is only available if the Refresh Rate is set to 0, and causes the
dynamic image to refresh only upon restart of the panel, as opposed to upon
each visit to the page (as is the default).

When images of any (supported) file type except PNG are imported into a project, the
files are automatically converted to JPGs. For this reason, if you import (or paste) a
file that has the same name as a previously imported file (even if it has a different
extension), TPDesign4 automatically adds the "copy of" prefix to the file. PNGs are
not converted because they are already sufficiently compressed.