Airlink CDMA/1x User Manual

Page 80

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Raven CDMA User Guide for Verizon, version 2.23


Direct Communication







method = P, T, N

d.d.d.d = IP
address to con-

name = domain
name to contact

ppppp = IP port
to contact

Dial a connection to a remote IP and Port using method.
P - Establish a UDP connection

T - Establish a TCP connection

N - Establish a Telnet connection

ATD - Dial (establish) default connection.

ATDP192.168.13.31/2332 - Dial (establish) UDP ses-
sion to, at port 2332.

To end the connection, issue the +++ escape sequence or
drop the DTR line (if Ignore DTR S211=0 or &D2).

D continued

see above

The defualt connetion is set in S53.

If a domain name is specified, the '@' symbol can be
used to explicitly indicate the start of the name. For
example, if ATDPHONY is issued, this will be inter-
preted as dial a UDP connection to "HONY". To dial
using the default method to host "PHONY", one would
issue ATD@PHONY. .

If the method, IP address, or port is omitted, the values
from S53 are used. If a telnet connection is requested (N)
and the port is not supplied, port 23 will be used instead
of the value from S53.

Several special dialing numbers exist to make it easy to
establish a PPP or SLIP connection with the modem.
ATD#19788 or ATDT#19788 will establish a PPP con-
nection (see \APPP) and ATDT#7547 will establish a
SLIP connection (see \ASLIP).

Note: The source port of the session is the Device Port
(set by S110 or *DPORT).



PING domain_name[,n]

d.d.d.d = IP
address to con-

n = amount of
data to send

Ping the specified IP address.

Sends a single ping, returns either OK or ERROR
depending on result. Times out in 10 seconds. If n is pro-
vided, it specifies the amount of data to send with the
ping. If n is not provided, the default, 50 bytes is used.