Chapter 5 keepalive, Configuring keepalive, Chapter 5 – Airlink CDMA/1x User Manual
Page 27: Keepalive

Raven CDMA User Guide for Verizon, version 2.23
It is not uncommon for your Raven to be disconnected from Verizon after an
extended period of inactivity. This is generally a feature intended to reduce your
charges for inactive use.
Keepalive is used to test and maintain the Raven’s connection to Verizon by ping-
ing an IP address after a specified period of inactivity. Keepalive is recommended
for users who have a remote terminated modem that infrequently communicates to
the network. Keepalive is also recommended if you have experienced issues where
the modem can no longer be reached remotely.
When Keepalive pings the IP address, an acknowledgement indicates there is an
active connection to the network. If the modem does not receive a response from
the IP address, it will retry 5 times in 5 second intervals. The Raven will then reset
the radio module after 5 failed attempts and reconnect to Verizon.
Configuring Keepalive
As with all other aspects of the Raven’s configuration, you can use Wireless Ace
(page 10), AceNet (page 11), direct serial communication (page 53), or Telnet
(page 53) to configure Keepalive.