3 jumper settings, 1 clear cmos, Umper – IEI Integration ECN-780-Q67 User Manual
Page 66: Ettings, Table 4-18: jumpers

ECN-780-Q67 Em b e d d e d S ys te m
P a g e 53
4.3 J u m p e r S e ttin g s
A jumper is a metal bridge that is used
to close an electrical circuit. It consists
of two metal pins and a small metal clip
(often protected by a plastic cover) that
slides over the pins to connect them.
To CLOSE/SHORT a jumper means
connecting the pins of the jumper with
the plastic clip and to OPEN a jumper means removing the plastic clip
from a jumper.
The jumpers on the ECN-780-Q67 are listed in Table 4-18.
De s c rip tio n
La b e l
Typ e
Clear CMOS
3-pin header
Flash descriptor security override
3-pin header
Table 4-18: Jumpers
4.3.1 Cle a r CMOS
J u m p e r La b e l:
J u m p e r Typ e :
3-pin header
J u m p e r S e ttin g s :
J u m p e r Lo c a tio n :
If the ECN-780-Q67 fails to boot due to improper BIOS settings, the clear CMOS jumper
clears the CMOS data and resets the system BIOS information. To do this, use the jumper
cap to close pins 2 and 3 for a few seconds then reinstall the jumper clip back to pins 1
and 2. The clear CMOS jumper settings are shown in Table 4-19.