5 front panel, 6 rear panel, Ront – IEI Integration ECN-780-Q67 User Manual

Page 18: Anel, Figure 1-2: ecn-780-q67 front panel, Table 1-2: technical specifications

background image

ECN-780-Q67 Em b e d d e d S ys te m

P a g e 5

We ig h t (Ne t/Gro s s )

3.1 Kg/4.3 Kg

S a fe ty & EMC


Table 1-2: Technical Specifications

1.5 Fro n t P a n e l

The front panel of the ECN-780-Q67 has the following features (Figure 1-2):

 1 x HDD LED

 1 x Power button

 1 x Power LED

 1 x RS-232 DB-9 connector (COM3)

 1 x RS-422/485 DB-9 connector (COM5)

 2 x USB 2.0 connectors

Figure 1-2: ECN-780-Q67 Front Panel

1.6 Re a r P a n e l

The rear panel of the ECN-780-Q67 has the following features (Figure 1-3):

 1 x AC jack

 1 x AT/ATX switch

 2 x Audio jacks (Mic, Line-out)