AMX NXD-CV7 User Manual
Page 83
Configuring Communication
7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels
Click Yes from the Security Warning popup window to agree to the installation of the G4 Web
Control application on your computer. This application contains the necessary Active X and
VNC client applications necessary to properly view and control the panel pages from your
In some cases, you might get a Connection Details dialog (FIG. 69) requesting a VNC Server
IP Address. This is the IP Address not the IP of the Master but of the target touch panel.
Depending on which method of communication you are using, it can be found in either the:
Wired Ethernet - System Connection > IP Settings section within the IP Address field.
Wireless - Secondary Connection > IP Settings section within the IP Address field.
If you do not get this field continue to step 8.
If a Web Control password was setup on the G4 Web Control page, a G4 Authentication
Session password dialog box (FIG. 68) appears on the screen within the secondary browser
Enter the Web Control session password into the Session password field (FIG. 68). This
password was previously entered into the Web Control Password field within the G4 Web
Control page on the panel.
10. Click OK to send the password to the panel and begin the session. A confirmation message
appears stating "Please wait, Initial screen loading..".
The secondary window then becomes populated with the same G4 page being displayed on the
target G4 panel. A small circle appears within the on-screen G4 panel page and corresponds to the
location of the mouse cursor. A left-mouse click on the computer-displayed panel page equates to
an actual touch on the target G4 panel page.
The G4 Web Control application is sent by the panel to the computer that is used for
communication. Once the application is installed, this popup will no longer appear.
This popup will only appear if you are connecting to the target panel using a different
FIG. 69 Connection Details dialog
IP Address of touch panel
- obtained from IP Settings section of
the System Connection page