Anritsu 681XXC User Manual

Page 74

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List Sweep

In list sweep frequency mode, the output is a step
sweep of up to 2000 phase-locked, non-sequential
frequencies. Each frequency can have a different
power level setting. The list index (0 thru 1999)
identifies each frequency/power level set in the list.
The list sweep is defined by a list start index and a
list stop index.

There are four modes of sweep triggering in list
sweep—automatic, external, single, and manual.
When automatic, external, or single trigger mode is
selected, the output sweeps between the specified
list start and stop indexes, dwelling at each list in-
dex for the specified dwell time. When manual trig-
ger mode is selected, the list start index, list stop
index, and dwell time parameter are not used. In-
stead, the list index is incremented or decremented
by using the front panel cursor control key. In man-
ual trigger mode, the list index can also be incre-
mented by using an external trigger input. Each
TTL trigger increments the list index by one.

After a reset, the list sweep defaults to manual trig-
ger mode. The data display shows the trigger mode,
the list index, current frequency, and current power
level. The list index specifies the current location
within the list. The current frequency is preceded by
the text “


”. The current power level is preceded by

the text “


”. When automatic, external, or single

trigger mode is selected, the data display changes to
show the trigger mode and list sweep start and stop
index values only.

The list of up to 2000 frequency/power level sets is
stored in non-volatile RAM to preserve any settings
after the instrument is powered off. The list is not
stored with the other setup information in the in-
strument. After a master reset, the list is reset to its
default state of 2000 index entries of 5 GHz at
0 dBm.

