Kit configurations and components – Tracer MARKSMAN M-L AM06016 User Manual
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The Marksman™ ultrasonic diagnostic tool converts and amplifies inaudible ultrasonic
sound into audible "natural" sound. It operates on the principle of detecting high fre-
quency ultrasonic waves, which are created by friction from all moving parts, whether
solid, liquid or gaseous. These "sounds" reside far above the range of the human ear
and tend to be highly directional.
This directional aspect of ultrasonic waves allows one to isolate a suspect signature
sound from other background noises and detect its exact location. This sound analysis
can be used for efficiently investigating five major areas of repair and preventive mainte-
nance in all transportation and industrial applications.
1) Air leaks
Both vacuum and compressed air leaks create an energy packet or wave front which can
result in an ultrasonic emission with a differential of 1 psi and/or a hole down to 0.005
2) Gas and liquid turbulence
Turbulence associated with steam trap and internal valve leaks, cavitation, and block-
ages in liquid and air/gas lines.
3) Electrical discharge
Electrical discharge associated with insulation breakdown, tracking, corona, and arcing.
4) Mechanical wear
State of mechanical wear in bearing and race assemblies, shafts, and gears (also indi-
cating the state of lubrication).
5) Sound generation
Can be used in conjunction with sound generators to detect container cracks and seals,
door seals and compartments. (The Marksman ultrasonic emitter is matched to the
Marksman receiver).
There exists a need to evaluate mechanical devices and/or systems for the purpose of
determining the onset of their failure. As a practical matter, the failure of a component
within a larger device does not only apply to the component itself, but can also cause
devastation to the entire mechanism. Thus, the need to predict such failure is of even
more importance.
Faults, malfunctions, and/or flaws in mechanical, electrical, and pneumatic devices, as
well as in container type objects, start as small defects or leaks. The physical size of
these defects is so relatively small that the sounds they produce are above the range of
human hearing. Most commonly, these faults generate sounds in the 38,000 to 43,000
cycles per second range, generally referred to as being in the ultrasonic range.
To employ the ultrasound methodology in a usable manner, it is imperative the listener be
able to have access to an audible sound that bares a resemblance to the natural sound
of the defect. A mechanical bearing with a defective ball should sound like such.
Likewise, a microscopic leak in a compressed air system should sound like a gas leak.
Simply converting the ultrasound frequencies to audible frequencies is not suffi-
cient with regard to rendering a usable signal. It is for this reason the Marksman
incorporate a process whereby the audible signal bears a close likeness to the nat-
ural incoming sample. We call this process "Sound Signature Technology," whereby a
gas leak sounds like a gas leak and a defective bearing sounds like one.
The Marksman uses a technology called heterodyning to convert the ultrasonic range into
the audible range. The Marksman is unaffected by everyday sounds such as wind, voic-
es or traffic, which can further mask the technician's ability to listen for a potential prob-
lem. The Marksman also incorporates AGC (automatic gain control), which allows one to
study ultrasonic sounds associated with the higher level roar of a valve leak down to, lit-
erally, the blink of an eye. With AGC, there is no need for high/low sensitivity switches,
since the internal circuitry automatically seeks the optimum level of gain for the given sit-
uation. This ultimately allows the Marksman to be picked up and learned immediately
without having to fiddle with knobs to seek correct settings.
Kit Configurations and Components
Master Kit –– Contains:
1. The Marksman ultrasonic receiver. An easy-to-use unit that incorporates audio feed
back and a 10 bar LED indicator for intensity of signal. The receiver has a permanently
fixed 2" directional receiver port, 3.5 mm stereo jack port, and a rotary on/off volume
control switch.
2. Two anodized probes: a 12" air probe and a precision length contact probe.
3. A full-sized headphone set with a 3.5mm stereo jack.
4. A rugged carrying case with form-fitting foam for storage and transportation.
5. The ultrasonic emitter. Sends out a 40Khz pulse for use in testing seal integrity in non-
pressurized vessels.
6. Two 9 volt batteries.
PLEASE NOTE: The Marksman Receiver-Only Kit is also available, which contains
everything in the Master Kit except the ultrasonic emitter.
Ultrasonic Receiver
Ultrasonic Emitter
Contact Probe
Air Probe