Tracer TP-3840M Fluoro-Lite M-L AM11009 User Manual
Tp3840m, Fluoro-lite

Specially formulated for detecting leaks in small vehicle AC&R systems
with a capacity of 0.5 kg of refrigerant or less. TP3840M fluorescent dye
is co-solvent free and certified to meet SAE standard J2297 when used in
R-134a A/C systems. The dye is used in conjunction with Tracerline
ultraviolet or blue light lamps. You must wear fluorescence-enhancing
glasses to protect your eyes and to make leaks clearly visible. The dye’s
green glow will show best under low light conditions.
• Remove the cap from the small measuring reservoir of the twin-necked
bottle. GENTLY AND SLOWLY squeeze the center of the bottle with both
hands. Watch the fluid flow slowly up the tube. Stop the pressure at short
intervals to avoid overfilling the reservoir. The first line on the reservoir
measures 10 ml. Stop filling the reservoir at one-half the measure on the
bottle. Most vehicles require only 5 ml per 0.5 kg of refrigerant.
• Start the engine and A/C system. Using a Tracerline TP-3886A dye injector
or your recovery/recycling equipment, add the dye to the operating A/C
system to mix with the compressor oil. As the refrigerant escapes, it will
leave a trace of compressor oil and dye at all points of leakage.
• After 5 to 10 minutes of operation, turn OFF the engine. Inspect possible leak
areas with a high intensity Tracerline lamp. In hard to reach areas, use a
mirror to reflect the light or wipe suspected areas with a clean cloth. Check
the cloth with the lamp for fluorescence. All leaks will show with a bright
green glow. NOTE: If no leak is found, instruct the customer to return with
the vehicle at a later date to allow time for the fluorescent dye to collect
around the leak sites.
• After the leaks are repaired, clean the remaining dye from the leak sites
with Tracer Products’ GLO-AWAY™ dye cleaner/remover or a shop cleaner.
Remaining dye could be mistaken for a leak. Run the engine for another 5 to
10 minutes and inspect with the lamp to be sure all leaks have been repaired
and no new leaks have appeared.
• It
not necessary to change the compressor oil after adding the tracer dye.
When used properly, Fluoro-Lite dye can remain in the A/C system safely
until the oil is changed.
• Underhood labels are included. Before affixing the label, mark the type of dye
and the date of service.
TP3840M250—250 ml twin neck bottle—services up to 50 small vehicles
TP3840M500—500 ml twin neck bottle—services up to 100 small vehicles
For product information and technical assistance, call us at
1-800-641-1133. Outside the United States call 516-333-1254. Emergency
Telephone No.: 1-800-424-9300 (24 Hours) CHEMTREC. Call collect
outside continental U.S.: 703-527-3887. Consult Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) on our website at
• Retirer le bouchon du réservoir de dosage qui fait partie du flacon à deux
goulots. Presser le milieu du flacon DÉLICATEMENT ET LENTEMENT avec
les deux mains. Surveiller la montée lente du liquide dans le tube. Arrêter
d’appuyer fréquemment pour éviter de trop remplir le réservoir. Le premier
Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool place away from direct
sunlight, heat sources and open flame. May be harmful or fatal if
swallowed. Avoid contact with eyes or skin. Wash thoroughly after
handling. Wipe all spills to avoid stains.
Colorant étudié spécialement pour la détection de fuites dans les circuits
CVC de petits véhicules (capacité de fluide frigorigène égale ou inférieure
à 500 g). Le colorant fluorescent TP3840M ne contient aucun co-solvant,
et sa conformité à la norme SAE J2297 est certifiée quand il est utilisé
dans les circuits de climatisation au R-134a. Le colorant est visible avec
les lampes Tracerline
(lumière bleue ou ultraviolette). Le port de lunettes
révélatrices est obligatoire, afin de protéger les yeux et de rendre les fuites
visibles clairement. La luminescence verte du colorant sera plus visible
avec un éclairage faible.
Universal Leak Detection Dye for PAG,
Mineral Oil and Ester Mobile AC&R Systems
Colorant universel pour détection de fuites (circuits de climatisation et
de réfrigération automobiles aux PAG, à l’huile minérale ou à esters)
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(1,1) -1- TP-3840M Fluoro-Lite Intl Instrux Sheet AM11009.indd 2/28/2011 9