Janam XT85 User Manual

Page 76

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User Manual

Janam Technologies LLC


Bluetooth Settings

Turning Bluetooth On/Off:
1. Using the supplied stylus, tap Settings (icon) from the Windows Mobile Start desktop screen and

tap the Bluetooth (icon).

2. Tap

Mode (tab) and check Turn on Bluetooth box and tap Bluetooth Devices (tab).

To make the XT-Series device visible to other Bluetooth devices:
— Selecting or clearing the Make this device visible to other devices

checkbox determines whether or not the XT Series device is made visible
to other Bluetooth-capable devices for the purpose of establishing a
Bluetooth partnership.

Bluetooth Partnerships

Creating a Bluetooth partnership:
1. Ensure that the two Bluetooth devices to be partnered (paired) are

turned on, made visible and within Bluetooth range.

2. From the Bluetooth Mode screen, tap Devices (tab).
3. Tap

Add new device… (option) to initiate a search for visible Bluetooth

devices within range.

— Visible Bluetooth devices found will be displayed.



By default, Bluetooth is turned off. Once Bluetooth is
activated, as directed in the steps above, Bluetooth will be
automatically powered on and off whenever the XT Series
device is powered on or off.