Maintenance – Fulton Classic ICX or FB-F Vertical Tubeless Boilers (Steam) Oil Fired User Manual

Page 41

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Recommended Daily
Maintenance Schedule

a) The following procedures should
be carried out daily. They are
designed to prevent the build up
of scale, silt, or sludge in the bot-
tom of the boiler and in the pipes
leading to the water gauge. In
addition to these procedures, the
advice of a water treatment suppli-
er should be sought and followed.
An ASME Section VIII blow off
receptacle must be provided for the
appropriate pressure.

b) Blow down the boiler each
morning by starting the boiler and
generating not more than 10 PSI
(.703 kg/cm


)of steam, then shut off

burner. Turn on tap water to blow-
off separator, then open the boiler
blow off valve for approximately 10
seconds, then close the valve. Shut
off tap water to blow-off separator.

Blow down boiler daily; shown is the
blow down "Y" valve


If the boiler is being operated
automatically on a time clock, the
blow off operation may be done
once during the working day and
once at the end of the day when
at 10 PSIG or less.

c) Blow down water column each
morning when boiler is at 10 PSIG
by opening the water column and
the water gauge blow off valves for
approximately 5 seconds, then
close the valves.

Blow down water column each morn-
ing by opening the water column and
the water gauge blow-off valves

d) If the feed water is being treated
by compounds, make sure that this
treatment is carried out carefully
and according to the specific manu-
facturer's instructions.


Fulton recommends that the
feedwater treatment should be
added between the pump and the

e) When first starting the boiler
each day, make sure ignition and
burner are working properly.

f) Check water level in sight glass.

g) Check to be sure feed water
pump is working.

h) For float type water level control,
blow-down float chamber.

Recommended Weekly
Maintenance Schedule

a) Check that the low water cut-off
relay is operating correctly
in the following manner:

1) Make sure that the boiler is cool
with little or no pressure showing on
the steam pressure gauge.

2) With the burner operating, open
the boiler blow off valve. When the
water drops below the required
level (note the level in the water
gauge glass) the burner should shut
off; this is when the water level falls
below the low water electrode in the
water column assembly and/or the
boiler shell. Manual reset of low
water relay is required.

Recommended Monthly
Maintenance Schedule


Make sure main power switch is
off before starting work.

a) Clean the water gauge glass.


Do not clean the gauge or gauge
glass while pressurized or in

1) Clean the water gauge glass
using a commercial non-abrasive
glass cleaner. Use diluted acids
such as hydrochloric (muriatic) acid
when regular cleaners do not seem
to work. Do not use wire brushes
or any other abrasive materials
which could scratch the glass. If
any leakage is evident, replace the


Clean glass; replace gaskets
if leaking

2) Always replace the gauge glass
protector which is standard on all
Fulton Boilers.

b) Clean water pump strainers.

c) Check scanner.

d) Check starter contacts. Burned
or pitted contacts should be
replaced. Do not use sand paper or
file to clean.

e) Clean water traps and strainers
in fuel lines.

f) Check operation of all steam
traps on condensate return system.


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