Description/instructions – Fulton Classic ICX or FB-F Vertical Tubeless Boilers (Steam) Oil Fired User Manual

Page 27

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Installation Check Points

1) Make sure all piping connections
are complete and tight.

2) Make sure the pressure controls
are adjusted properly.

3) Make sure all electrical connec-
tions in the control panel box, the
water column, and elsewhere are

4) Make sure the door in the boiler
room is closed. Combustion air con-
taminates can cause damage to the
boiler jacket and stack.


After installation is complete and
prior to operation the pressure
vessel should be cleaned.

Cleaning the Pressure Vessel

a) After the boiler has been
installed and before it is placed in
service it is advisable to purge the
pressure vessel of any oil film,dirt,
or other impurities. Clean the pres-
sure vessel as follows:

1) Isolate the boiler from the sys-
tem by shutting off the main steam

2) Remove the steam safety valve.

3) Mix washing soda with water in a
one-gallon container and pour it into
the boiler through the steam safety
valve opening.

4) The mixture of washing soda to
water is as follows:

Boiler Size


4 - 6

1 lb. (454g)

10 - 15

2 lb (908g)

20 - 30

3 lb (1362g)

40 - 50

3-1/2 lb (1589g)


4 lb (1816g)

5) Replace the steam safety valve.

6) Fill the boiler with water. Water
level is about center in the water
gauge glass.

7) Generate 15 PSI (1.054 kg/cm



of steam and shut off the boiler.
Allow this hot solution to remain in
the boiler for 10 minutes.

8) Drain and flush the boiler twice
with fresh water.

9) To remove all the oil and dirt
from the main steam and the con-
densate return lines, allow the
returns to go into a floor drain or a
safe discharge point for the first
week of operation.


Do not store halogenated hydro-
carbons near or in the boiler

In general, ensure that the boiler
area is in conformance with estab-
lished boiler room requirements.
Review national and local codes.

As a final checkpoint, again,

Water Treatment

We cannot emphasize enough the
importance of proper water treat-
ment: Water analysis should be
made by a competent water treat-
ment concern and their recom-
mendations should be followed.


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