Maintenance – Fulton Alliance (FT-HC) Horizontal Coil Thermal Fluid (hot oil) Heater User Manual

Page 72

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© The Fulton Companies 2012







All information in this manual is for
reference and guidance purposes,
and does not substitute for required
professional training, conduct,
and strict adherence to applicable
jurisdictional/professional codes and



All maintenance procedures should
be completed by trained personnel.
Appropriate training and instructions
are available from the Fulton Service
Department at (315) 298-5121 or your
local Fulton Thermal Representative.

Low Inlet Pressure Switch

Slowly close the valve on outlet of main circulating pump observing heater inlet
pressure gauge. Note the pressure at which the switch trips. This pressure should
be roughly the set point of the switch minus any diff erential that is set.

High Inlet Pressure Switch

Note the original setting of the switch and turn adjustment screw
counterclockwise while observing heater inlet pressure gauge until switch trips.
The pointer on the switch should be within 2 psi of the observed pressure. Reset
switch to the original set point.

High Outlet Pressure Switch

Note the original setting of the switch and turn adjustment screw
counterclockwise while observing heater outlet pressure gauge until switch trips.
The pointer on the switch should be within 2 psi of the observed pressure. Reset
switch to the original set point.

Air Switch

Remove the ¼” copper tubing from the bottom of the air switch with the fan
running. Air switch should trip the interlock circuit. Re-attach copper tubing and
reset fl ame programmer.

Air Filter Box Switch

With heater running at high fi re, block opening to air fi lter box by 50%. Slowly
close off further until switch trips. Air switch should trip at just over 50%

Temperature Limit(s)

Adjust set point(s) of temperature limit(s) down to a point lower than the process
variable (PV). PV is typically the current fl uid temperature at the heater outlet.
Solid-state controls will deactivate a control relay powering a set of n.c. contacts
in the interlock circuit. Analog controls will open their contacts in the interlock
circuit. Trip temperature should be within 5 degrees of PV temperature. Reset
temperature limit if reset exists and reset fl ame programmer.

High/Low Gas Pressure Switch

Shut off the main gas valve prior to the gas train and attempt to light the unit.
After the gas valves open during the ignition trial, the low gas pressure switch will
trip. Reset the low gas pressure switch and fl ame programmer. Open main gas
valve prior to gas train and close gas valve between last actuated gas valve and
burner. Attempt to light the unit. After the gas valves open, the high gas pressure
switch will trip. Reset the high gas pressure switch and the fl ame programmer.