Operation, Operating controls – Fulton Alliance (FT-HC) Horizontal Coil Thermal Fluid (hot oil) Heater User Manual
Page 55

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Do not operate, or allow others
to operate, service or repair this
equipment unless you (they) fully
understand all applicable sections
of this manual and are qualifi ed to
operate/maintain the equipment.
Non-Fulton product information is for
reference purposes only. No Fulton
document may substitute for full
review of documentation available
from the component manufacturer.
1. Hit
Escape and scroll to Manual, hit Enter to Auto / Manual / Off , change
to Manual and hit Escape to Set Load, change to 0 or desired load range
with the select buttons.
2. When
Manual it will allow you to go to any load range to verify
3. When done hit Escape and scroll to Operational Stats, hit Enter to
Normal Operation, hit Enter to main screen.
4. To return back to Auto operation repeat step 1 & 2.
5. Please refer to this manual’s addendum for information on specifi c LMV 51
control parameters.
Do NOT leave unit unattended in Manual Operation, in this mode the LMV
51 will ignore its internal Set Point.
Operating Controls
The following specifi cations, data, equipment and operating descriptions apply
to typical heaters. These sections are provided for general information purposes
only, and do not necessarily refl ect the specifi c details of individual systems.
At commissioning, the operation of all safeties and interlocks should be verifi ed.
Setpoints of all pressure and temperature switches as well as the programs for
all programmable controls (temperature controls, temperature limits, operating
controls, servo motors etc.) should be recorded for future reference. Contact the
Fulton Service Department with any questions regarding the proper operation,
set points and verifi cation procedures for these controls.
Liquid Level Switch - When Combination Tank is Supplied
Adhere to the following:
1. Locate the liquid level switch (ships in the parts box, see Figure 14) and
install prior to operation of the equipment. The liquid level switch is wired
to the main heater panel. Failure to “make” this switch will result in lack of
power at the panel.
2. In the event of system fl uid loss, the level in the expansion section of the
combination tank will drop, and the liquid level switch will shut the unit
down. Control power will be lost to the panel.
3. To
confi rm operation, manually trip the liquid level switch. Unit should
shut down; pump will stop. Refer to Figure 13.