Operation – Fulton Alliance (FT-HC) Horizontal Coil Thermal Fluid (hot oil) Heater User Manual

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© The Fulton Companies 2012







All information in this manual is for
reference and guidance purposes,
and does not substitute for required
professional training, conduct,
and strict adherence to applicable
jurisdictional/professional codes and

Crystalline silica may be present
in components of this equipment.
Exposure to crystalline silica may
pose signifi cant health hazards,
including but not limited to eye and
respiratory system damage. Per
the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) and Occupational
Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), appropriate Personal
Protective Equipment must be worn
to minimize exposure to hazardous
substances. Refer to most current
guidelines off ered by the CDC and
OSHA for more information, including
Personal Protective Equipment
recommendations. Use extreme
caution when opening circulating
pump plug if system temperature is

Non-Fulton product information is for
reference purposes only. No Fulton
document may substitute for full
review of documentation available
from the component manufacturer.

If a fi re does occur, extinguish using CO


foam or dry chemical. Do not use water.

Filling Procedure for Systems Equipped with Inert Blankets

Adhere to the following:

1. Follow the instructions in Fill The System section of this manual.

2. Inspect the system to be sure all valves are open and all drains are closed.

3. Open all high point air vents.

4. Do not pressurize the system with nitrogen at this point.

5. Inspect the liquid level switch (Figure 13) and be sure the switch is

functioning properly.

6. Begin

fi lling the system.

7. Fill the system until the liquid level switch indicates there is oil in the

expansion tank.

8. Pressurize the system slightly with nitrogen. Leave the high point vent

connections open, as the nitrogen should be isolated from the vents by the
oil in the system. The pressure required in the system at this point is only
2-3 psi. If too much pressure is applied, the nitrogen will bubble through
the oil and vent to atmosphere. If this happens, reduce the pressure.

9. Continue

fi lling the system. If liquid level switch is made, be sure to

observe the high point vents as oil is now entering the elevated portion
of the pipe work. As oil reaches the vent, close it. After all vents have
been closed, and you believe the system to be full, stop fi lling. Start the
circulating pump as described in Initial Start-Up: Cold Circulation
section of this manual. Leave the fi ll equipment connected as cleaning the
strainer may create the need for more oil in the system.

10. Determine the fi nal nitrogen pressure by measuring the diff erence

between the D.A. Tank inlet and the highest point in the system. Divide
that number by 2.31 (this will indicate the nitrogen pressure the system
should be set for).

11. If the tank is located outdoors and the inlet to the tank is the highest point

in the system, then 1-2 psig of nitrogen is suffi


12. Adjustment can be made via the regulator mounted on top of the D.A.



If you are using a fl uid above its boiling point, the system must be

pressurized to overcome the vapor pressure of the fl uid. Consult the factory for