Fulton Vertical Electric (FT-N) Thermal Fluid (hot oil) Heater User Manual
Page 67
Fulton Thermal Corp.*Electric Thermal Fluid Heaters Manual* Version 2010-0423
Page 67
Temperature Limit(s)
a) Adjust set point(s) of temperature limit(s) down to a point lower than the PV (process
variable is typically the current fluid temperature at the heater outlet). Solid-state controls
will deactivate a control relay powering a set of n.c. contacts in the interlock circuit.
Analog controls will open their contacts in the interlock circuit. Trip temperature should
be within 5 degrees of PV temperature. Reset temperature limit if reset exists and reset
flame programmer.
5. Recommended Maintenance Schedule
(See log sheet)
a) Complete log-sheet at least once per day. Twice per shift of operation is recommended.
(Log sheet is available from the Fulton Service Department or on the web at
b) Make visual inspection of entire system for leaks. Repair as soon as possible.
a) Manually check fluid level in expansion tank.
b) Check operation of all safeties. Contact Fulton service department for instructions.
c) Review log sheets and note any deviations from the norm.
d) Drain ½ gal. of oil from thermal buffer section of DA tank.
High Outlet
Pressure Switch