PASCO OS-8459 Beginning Optics System User Manual

Page 18

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B e g i n n i n g O p t i c s S y s t e m

E x p e r i m e n t 6 : C o n v e x a n d C o n c a v e L e n s e s



Nest the convex and concave lenses together and place them in the path of the
parallel rays (see Figure 6.2). Trace the rays. Are the outgoing rays converging,
diverging or parallel? What does this tell you about the relationship between the
focal lengths of these two lenses?


Slide the convex and concave lenses apart by a few centimeters and observe the
effect. Then reverse the order of the lenses. Trace at least one pattern of this type.
What is the effect of changing the distance between the lenses? What is the effect
of reversing their positions?

Figure 6.2