PASCO OS-8459 Beginning Optics System User Manual

Page 10

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B e g i n n i n g O p t i c s S y s t e m

E x p e r i m e n t 2 : P r i s m



Rotate the rhombus until the angle

(θ) of the emerging ray is as large as possible

and the ray separates into colors.

(a) What colors do you see? In what order are they?

(b) Which color is refracted at the largest angle?

(c) According to Snell’s Law and the information given about the frequency
dependence of the index of refraction for acrylic, which color is predicted to
refract at the largest angle?


Without repositioning the light source, turn the wheel to select the three primary
color rays. The colored rays should enter rhombus at the same angle that the
white ray did. Do the colored rays emerge from the rhombus parallel to each
other? Why or why not?