3 levelling the analyzer, 4 warm-up time, Levelling the analyzer – Nova-Tech PMB Moisture Analyzer User Manual

Page 9: Warm-up time

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P a g e

© Adam Equipment Company 2009


After placing the analyzer in a suitable location,
level it by using the spirit level on the rear of the
analyzer. To level the analyzer turn the two
adjustable feet at the rear of the analyzer until
the bubble in the spirit level is centred.



Attach the power supply cable to the connector
on the rear of the analyzer. The master power
switch is on the rear panel, next to the mains
cable. Turn the power on.
The display will indicate the analyzer serial
number and the software revision number
followed by the capacity of the analyzer. Next
the analyzer will run a self-test by displaying all
segments. The display will show zero weight

accompanied by the

О0Н symbol.

Before you start weighing, you have to wait for the analyzer to achieve a
stable internal temperature. In addition it may be necessary for some
material test to preheat the weighing chamber so that the delay to reach
operating temperature is minimised.

A stable sign


is shown when the analyzer is in

stable condition. It will turn off if the analyzer is
not stable.

Exact zero is shown when the

“О0Н “ symbol

is on to the left of the display area.