Chapter 1-safety and warning information, Operating your polyester system safely, 0 introduction – Magnum Venus Plastech INNOVATOR II CONTROL UNIT User Manual

Page 5: 2 personal safety equipment

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REV 1.40

MAY 2012


CHAPTER 1-Safety and Warning Information

Operating Your Polyester System Safely

1.0 Introduction

The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from inappropriate, negligent or incorrect installation or adjustment of the optional operating parameters of the equipment. The
contents of this guide are believed to be correct at the time of printing. In the interests of a commitment to a policy of continuous development and improvement, the manufacturer reserves the right to
change the specification of the product or its performance, or the contents of the guide, without notice. All rights reserved. No parts of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electrical or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by an information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Any tool, if used improperly, can be dangerous. Safety is ultimately the responsibility of those using the tool. In like manner, safe operation of polyester processes is the responsibility of those who use
such processes and those who operate the equipment. This manual outlines procedures to be followed in conducting polyester operations safety. This system has been specifically designed for use of
Polyester Resin, Gel-Coat, and Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxides (MEKP) applications. Other formulations or blends considered for use in this equipment is strictly prohibited without the expressed consent
by Magnum Venus Plastech Inc. Magnum Venus Plastech cannot eliminate every danger nor foresee every circumstance that might cause an injury during equipment operation. Some risks, such as the
high pressure liquid stream that exits the spray tip, are inherent to the nature of the machine operation and are necessary to the process in order to manufacture the end-product. For this reason, ALL
personnel involved in polyester operations should read and understand the Safety Manual. It is very important for the safety of employees involved in the operation that equipment operators, maintenance
and supervisory personnel understand the requirements for safe operation. Each user should examine his own operation, develop his own safety program and be assured that his equipment operators
follow correct procedures. Magnum Venus Plastech hopes that this manual is helpful to the user and recommends that the precautions in this manual be included in any such program. Magnum Venus
Plastech recommends this Safety Manual remain on your equipment at all times for your personnel safety.

In addition to the manual, Magnum Venus Plastech recommends that the user consult the regulations established under the Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA), particularly the following sections:


Pertaining to Ventilation.


Pertaining to flammable liquids


Pertaining to spray finishing operations, particularly Paragraph (m) Organic Peroxides and Dual Component Coatings.

Other standards and recognized authorities to consult are the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) bulletins as follows:

NFPA No.33 Chapter 14, Organic Peroxides and Dual Component Materials

NFPA No.63 Dust Explosion Prevention

NFPA No.70 National Electrical Code

NFPA No.77 Static Electricity

NFPA No.91 Blower and Exhaust System

NFPA No.654 Plastics Industry Dust Hazards

Type of Fire Extinguishing equipment recommended: Fire Extinguisher

– code ABC, rating number 4a60bc.

Extinguishing Media

– Foam, Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Water Fog.

Copies of the above bulletins are available, at a nominal charge from:

National Fire Protection Association

470 Atlantic Avenue

Boston, MA 02210

Research Report No

.11 of the American Insurance Association deal with “Fire, Explosion and Health Hazards of Organic Peroxides”. It is published by:

American Insurance Association

85 John Street

New York, NY 10038

Local codes and authorities also have standards to be followed in the operation of your spraying equipment. Your insurance carrier will be helpful in answering questions that arise in your development of
safe procedures.

1.2 Personal Safety Equipment

Magnum Venus Plastech recommends the following Personal Safety Equipment for conducting safe operations of the Polyester Systems:
Magnum Venus Plastech recommends that the user consult the state and local regulations established for all Safety equipment listed.

2.0 Material Safety

2.1 Hazards Associated with Laminating Operations

Major hazards which should be guarded against in polyester/epoxy/urethane laminating operations are those associated with:

Flammability and explosion dangers of the catalyst/activators/hardeners normally used

The flammability dangers of clean-up solvents sometimes used (Magnum Venus Plastech recommends that clean-up solvents be non-flammable), and of resin diluents used, such as

Flammability dangers of catalyst diluents, if used. (Magnum Venus Plastech recommends that catalyst not be diluted)

Flammability dangers of the uncured liquid resins.

Combustibility dangers of the cured laminate, accumulations of over spray, and laminate sandings.

The toxicity dangers of all the chemicals used in laminating operations with respect to ingestion, inhalation and skin and eye hazards.