Magnum Venus Plastech INNOVATOR II CONTROL UNIT User Manual
Page 19

REV 1.40
MAY 2012
Injection mode
Before an injection is started, ensure all external connections to the mold etc. are correctly made. Also ensure that resin
and catalyst lines are correctly primed and that the required levels of materials are available. Ensure the level of fluid in
the flush tank is sufficient to clean the machine after the injection. Injection mode cannot be entered while recirculating or
NOTE: When the system is initially primed with resin and catalyst, ensure the machine is run in inject mode and
resin is collected in a suitable container from the mixing head and that air is purged etc. Once this has been done,
ensure the resin is correctly catalyzed by performing cup tests prior to using the machine to inject a mold.
Prior to and during operation in injection mode, use the pump pressure regulator and gauge to suitably adjust the air
pressure supply to the pump and control the pump speed.
Set the MPG set-pressure to the required pressure. Once the injection has begun, the pump will stop running when the
fluid pressure at the injection head exceeds this setting. When the injection line pressure reduces below the MPG set-
pressure, the machine will continue to inject.
Adjust the predetermining counter to set the number of required pump strokes for the injection. See figure 4.15 for an
overview of the predetermining stroke counter. To change the preset count, press and hold the white button with arrow
decal while pressing one of the black buttons under the preset count corresponding with the digit to be modified.
NOTE: The machine cannot be started in inject mode, if a previous injection has stopped automatically when the
shot count has been reached and the stroke count has not been reset. Press the reset button on the
predetermining counter to reset the count and allow the machine to be started.
See figure 4.15
Press the inject button to start the machine in inject mode. The machine cannot be started in inject mode if it is operating in
recirculation or flush modes. The injection head will open, the Pro gun/TAS signal will pressurize and the pump will run. To
stop the machine and leave inject mode, press the stop button. If the predetermining counter reaches the user set shot count,
the machine will stop automatically.
If a PPVS sensor is being used the pump will stop when the mould pressure reaches set-point. When the mould pressure
drops to an acceptable level, the pump will run once again.
Recirculation mode
Prior to and during operation in recirculation mode, use the pump pressure regulator and gauge to suitably adjust the air
pressure supply to the pump and control the pump speed.
Press the recirculate button to start the machine, the pump will run and resin and catalyst will be pumped around the
system and returned to source.
Recirculation mode cannot be entered when the machine is injecting or flushing
To stop the machine, press the stop button.
NOTE: The catalyst over pressure valve is active during recirculation.