Pod extension kit installation – Liquid Controls POD User Manual

Page 9

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Pod extensIon kIt InstallatIon




Regardless of the POD Extension being used, the

POD Pulser must be a FORK drive pulser.

POD Extension Kit Installation

The POD Extension is used when the meter has an

integral counter adapter bracket or for high temperature

applications. The POD Extension is used to extend the

connection away from the meter.
There are four POD Extension models available.

49754 POD1 or POD5

Fork Drive with Buna-N O-Ring

49756 POD2

Fork Drive with Teflon O-Ring

49757 POD1 or POD5

Blade Drive with Buna-N O-Ring

49759 POD2

Blade Drive with Teflon O-Ring

Once the existing hardware has been removed as

described on Page 4, the POD Extension can be


To install the POD Extension:

1. Verify that the proper POD Extension Model was obtained

by comparing the driver tang on the POD Extension to

the driver tang on the packing gland that was removed

in Step 5 of Removing Existing Hardware on Page 4.

There are two types of Packing Gland/POD Extension

driver tangs: blade type and fork type. Blade type

packing glands must be replaced with blade type POD

Extensions. Fork type packing glands must be replaced

with fork type POD Extensions.

2. Install the POD Extension using the two screws provided.

There are two sets of holes in the POD Extension for

these screws; one set is 1⅝" apart and the other is 1½"

apart. Line up the holes with the meter to determine

which set to use. Tighten the screws and torque them to

21-25 inch-pounds.

3. Once the POD Extension is in place, the POD may be

installed onto the POD Extension. Align the POD Fork

Tang with the internal POD Extension Driver. Use the two

screws provided to mount the POD to the POD Extension

using two of the tapped holes in the POD Extension.

Using a ⁷⁄₃₂" box end wrench, tighten the screws and

torque them to 21-25 inch-pounds.