Pod wiring – Liquid Controls POD User Manual

Page 11

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Pod WIrInG

POD Wiring

conversIon to oPen draIn outPut

As supplied by the factory, the POD has a 2.2 KΩ pull-up resistor to the positive power supply on each output

transistor. The unit can be modified in the field to provide true Open Drain (Open Collector) outputs if desired.

To modify the POD to Open Drain outputs:

1. Turn off power to the unit and remove the cover by turning it counterclockwise.
2. Loosen the three circuit board mounting screws using a Philips screwdriver. Remove the entire circuit board assembly from the

POD housing.

3. With a small tip soldering iron, remove the R4 and R5

3a. Carefully, apply heat to one pad of the resistor.
3b. When the solder melts, push the resistor off the circuit

board with the tip of the soldering iron.

3c. Remove the second resistor using the same method.

4. Reassemble the unit.

POD Voltage Output clockwise rotation

Quadrature channel voltage output is 90° out of phase with Channel B

sIGnal outPut

The diagram below shows the voltage output for a clockwise rotation of the Pulse Output Device (POD) with Channel

A leading Channel B. For reverse flow applications (counterclockwise) Channel B leads Channel A.