Regulatory compliance tag markings – Liquid Controls POD User Manual
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reGulatory comPlIance taG markInGs
EU Explosive Atmospheres symbol
DNV 11 ATEX 01600X and IECEX DNV 11.0012X
This equipment has been found to comply with the European Directive for Equipment For Potentially Explosive Atmospheres 94/9/
EC (ATEX), and Certification Scheme for Explosive Atmospheres of INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION
(IECEx). Evaluation was made in 2011 by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) to the ATEX Directive with a certificate number DNV 11
ATEX 01600X and to IECEx scheme with a certificate number IECEx DNV 11.0012X, where X represents the following Special
Conditions for Safe Use: 1) Only Ex d certified cable glands are to be used; and 2) For ambient temperatures above 70 °C, use
field wiring suitable for 20°C above maximum ambient temperature.
Suitable for use in surface (not mine) installations.
2 G
High level of protection is provided against flammable gases, vapors, or liquids, which may exist during normal operation.
ex d
Explosion protection is provided by a flameproof enclosure
Gas group, which includes ethylene, propane, and methane.
Temperature class for surface temperature limitations. T6 is ≤ 85ºC
Equipment group per IEC 60079-0:2007 and EN 60079-0:2009.
-40°C ≤ Tamb ≤ 80°C
Safe limits of ambient temperature.
Ingress protection: protected against dust and powerful water jetting.
This equipment complies with all applicable European Directives. The Quality Assurance Notification pursuant to the ATEX
Directive has been performed by DNV. Its EU Notified Body registration number is 0575.
Listed by UL to both the Canadian and US requirements for explosion proof products intended for use in Class I, Division 1 & 2,
Groups C & D environments as classified by the US and/or Canadian Electrical Code.
UL listing control number issued to Liquid Controls.
type 4X:
NEMA rated for either indoor or outdoor use to provide a degree of protection against falling rain, splashing water, and hose-
directed water; undamaged by the formation of ice on the enclosure; resists corrosion.
Consult factory for current compliance status.