Installation & setup, Software installation – Liquid Controls FlightConnect Office User Manual
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InsTallaTIon & seTup
Software Installation
To install FlightConnect Office software, insert the FlightConnect Office CD-ROM into your office PC (or click on the
the setup.exe file supplied by Liquid Controls). Installation should begin automatically. Follow the FlightConnect Office
installation wizard directions until installation is complete. If the installation does not begin automatically, use your
browser to locate the setup.exe application file on the CD-ROM and click on it to begin the installation.
If automatic launch does not begin, perform the following:
1. From the Taskbar, click Windows
Start menu then click Run.
2. From the
Run window, click Browse.
3. From the
Browse window, select the CD-ROM drive, select the setup.exe file then click Open.
4. From the
Run window, click OK.
FlightConnect Office installation wizard.
1. From the
Welcome window, click Next.
2. From the
Software License Agreement window, if you agree to the license terms, click I accept
the terms in the license agreement.
3. From the
Choose Destination Location window, perform one of the following options:
3a. Click
Browse to select a custom destination location.
3b. Click
Next to select the default destination location C:\DMS.
4. From the
Ready to Install the Program window, click Install to begin installation.
5. From the
InstallShield Wizard Completed window, click Finish.
6. After completing the software installation, navigate to C:\DMS. Click on
vcredist_x86.exe and run the program.
7. In C:\DMS, click on
dotNetFX40_Client_setup.exe and run the program.
FlightConnect Office files loaded into the destination folder:
• ACRead.exe
• ACEdit.exe
• ACDispatch.exe
• dotNetFX40_Client_setup.exe (Microsoft
.NET Framework)
• vcredist_x86.exe (Microsoft
Visual C++ Redistributable Package)
• SG501CD.isu (FlightConnect Uninstall Script)
• HSSLF32.dll
• LCLCP32.dll
• LCLCPF32.dll
• LCLib32.dll
Shortcuts loaded onto desktop:
FlightConnect Dispatch
FlightConnect Edit
FlightConnect Read
FlightConnect Office
All subsequent examples and instructions
assume C:\DMS as the location of
FlightConnect software and databases.