Appendix, Establishing settings and directories – Liquid Controls FlightConnect Office User Manual
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esTablIshInG seTTInGs and dIReCToRIes
After installing the software, certain FlightConnect Read settings and directories can be adjusted to best suit your
File Conversion Format
Determines which file format FlightConnect Read will convert the transaction files into.
Edit Record Validation Setting
Sets FlightConnect’s Record Validation feature. Record Validation allows FlightConnect Edit users to review changes made by
DMSs in the field and delete, edit, or accept them into the FlightConnect database. The
save setting enables Record Validation. The
delete setting disables Record Validation. This feature is not available on Flight Connect LCR 600.
Converted Files Target Location
This setting determines where, on the computer, the converted files created by FllightConnect Read are placed.
To edit the ACRead settings and directories:
1. Right-click
FlightConnect Read short-cut icon on your desktop, then click
2. From the
FlightConnect Read Properties window, in the Target text box,
specify the additional settings and directories you would like to apply to
FlightConnect Read. If no functions are added to the target, the defaults will
be activated.
2a. Determine the format of FlightConnect Read file conversions The xml
setting will create an Excel file. The CompTran setting will create a text
file. The default is CompTran. This setting overrides the System Definitions setting.
2b. Activate or deactivate the edit record validation feature (save or del).
save saves database changes made by DMSs and collects them for
review in the edit record validation feature. del deletes all database
changes made by DMSs. The default is delete.
2c. Determine the target location of converted files from FlightConnect Read.
The default is the destination target selected during software installation.
C:\DMS\ACRead.exe /f:xml /e:save /t:C:\DMS
3. Click
Apply, then OK.
Properties Option - Right-Click FlightConnect Read
When typing in your settings and directories
preferences make sure to (a) put a space before the
field, (b) use a forward slash first, (c) use lower case,
(d) use a colon, and (e) enter the setting or directory
exactly as noted in this manual.
Type in Settings and Directories Carefully
In the example given, FlightConnect Read will convert files in the C:\DMS folder received from the DMS unit. The files
will be converted to xml files and placed back into the C:\DMS folder. Any database files (not transaction files) modified
by the DMS will be saved and available for FlightConnect Office users to review in the edit record validation feature.
FlightConnect Read Properties