Software license agreement, Publication updates and translations – Liquid Controls FlightConnect Office User Manual

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Read this license carefully. You agree that by using the fieldized software package, you have

agreed to the software license terms and conditions. This agreement constitutes complete and

entire agreement between you and Liquid Controls with respect to this product.

1. Liquid Controls hereby grants to Licensee a nonexclusive

license to use, FlightConnect Office Software (hereinafter

referred to as “Licensed Software”)

2. Under the License granted herein, Licensee may use the

fieldized machine readable (executable code) copy of the

Software, including any subsequent updates which may

be provided. Licensee shall not, without Liquid Controls’

prior written consent, (a) rent, lease, lend, sublease or

otherwise transfer the materials hereunder; (b) remove or

obscure proprietary or copyright notices which may be set

forth on the Licensed Software; or (c) alter, decompile, or

disassemble the program.

3. One (1) copy of the Licensed Software, including any

software distributed on disks may be made for backup

purposes only. No other copies may be made or used

without the written consent of Liquid Controls.

4. Title. No title to ownership of any Licensed Software is

transferred to the Licensee.

5. Upgrades. License upgrades may become available for

the Licensed Software. Any cost associated with such

upgrades will solely be determined by Liquid Controls.

6. Warranty. Liquid Controls makes and licensee receives

no warranty express or implied and there are expressly

excluded all warranties of merchantability and fitness for

a particular purpose.

7. Limitation of Liability. Licensee shall have the sole

responsibility for adequate protection and backup of

its data in connection with the Licensed Software. In

no event shall Liquid Controls be liable for (a) special,

indirect or consequential damages; (b) any damages

whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits,

product, inaccurate input or work delays, or any direct

property damage arising out of or in connection with this

agreement or the use or performance of the Licensed


8. Termination. Liquid Controls may terminate this software

license granted hereunder and require return of the

Licensed Software if Licensee fails to comply with these

license terms and conditions.

9. Licensee acknowledges that it has read this agreement,

understands it, and agrees to be bound by its terms, and

further agrees that this is the complete and exclusive

statement of the agreement between Liquid Controls

and Licensee, which supersedes and merges all prior

proposals, understandings, and all other agreements, oral

or written, between the parties relating to this agreement.

This agreement may not be modified or altered except by

written instrument duly executed by both parties.

10. This Agreement and performance hereunder shall be

construed and interpreted under the laws of the State of


11. If any provision of this agreement is invalid under any

applicable statute or rule of law, it is to that extent to be

deemed omitted.

12. Licensee may not assign or sublicense, without the prior

written consent of Liquid Controls, its rights, duties, or

obligations under this Agreement to any person or entity

in whole or in part.

13. The waiver or failure of Liquid Controls to exercise in any

respect any right provided herein shall not be deemed a

waiver of any further right hereunder.

sofTWaRe lICense aGReemenT

The most current English versions of all Liquid Controls publications are available on our web site, It is the responsibility of the local distributor to provide the most current version of LC

manuals, instructions, and specification sheets in the required language of the country, or the language

of the end user to which the products are shipping. If there are questions about the language of any LC

manuals, instructions, or specification sheets, please contact your local distributor.

publication updates and Translations