Setup & operation – Liquid Controls FlightConnect Office User Manual

Page 14

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sysdefs (sysTems defInITIons)

The SysDefs (Systems Definitions) tab is FlightConnect Edit’s user interface for viewing, creating, or editing

FlightConnect system settings and information saved in FlightConnect’s SysDefs database file and applied to the

operation of DMS and LCR 600 units.

Base ID:

A user-defined ID assigned to the fueling operation.


Typically, the three or four letter airport code for the airport where

the fueling operation is located.


The name of the fueling operation.

Address 1:

The first line of the fueling operation’s address.

Address 2:

The second line of the fueling operation’s address.


The city where the fueling operation is located.


The state where the fueling operation is located.


The postal zip code where the fueling operation is located.

Phone #:

The phone number of the fueling operation.


The password for access to FlightConnect LCR 600’s

Configuration Menu or the FlightConnect DMS’ Database

Management. Blank = no password.

Load Truck #:

The load truck number assigned when moving fuel between trucks.

DMS only

Tail Letter:

Sets a default letter before the tail number. For example, if all tails

from this location begin with N, “N” can be defaulted so the fueler

does not need to enter it.


The volume setting. DMS only

Net • Gross


The decimal place setting applied to the totalizers’ inventory

volumes. DMS only

Hundredths • Tenths • Whole


The text of a prompt, requiring the fueler to answer yes/no,

displayed before a fueling. Text can be entered and edited in the

text box. The text and prompt answer will be printed on the ticket.

This prompt is enabled when the Additive: box in Enable Options

is checked.

Misc1 Text - Misc2 Text - Misc3 Text

Prompt screen that can be included in the series of FlightConnect

fuelng screens. The text in these field will appear as the title

of the screens on the LCR 600 or DMS. When these screens

appearFuelers can enter a response into a text box on the fueling

screen. The title of the prompts and the fueler’s answers will be

printed on the ticket. Prompts are enabled when the

Misc1 Text


Misc2 Text

, or

Misc3 Text

boxes in Enable Options is checked.



The file format of FlightConnect Read output.

CompTran (text file) • ASR (backward compatible LC file format - contact

factory for more information) • XML


The target location for the delivery files. This should be set to


for LCR 600 units.

Local • USB • Office


Sets the frequency/occasions when LCR 600s and DMSs will

attempt to send and retrieve data from the office.


The Enable Options boxes activate features and settings

in the FlightConnect Fueling software on LCR 600 and

DMS units in the network.


A yes/no prompt displayed to the fueler before fueling. The prompt

text matches the text that appears in the Additive: text box.


A list box prompt of aircraft types (from the AType file). The fueler

must make a selection before fueling.


A comment printed onto fueling tickets. Comment text can be

entered and edited in the Comment: text box in the Default

Options section below.


A list box prompt of customers (from the Customer file). Fuelers

must make a selection before fueling.


A text box prompt where the fueler must enter the aircraft’s

destination code before fueling.

flight #

A text box prompt where the fueler must enter the aircraft’s flight

number before fueling.

fuel Cap

Prints message Fuel Cap & Door Secured: Yes

No on the fueling ticket. Fuelers can circle Yes to verify that the

fuel cap was properly replaced on the aircraft.

seTup & opeRaTIon

Checked = activated : Unchecked = deactivated

SysDefs Check Boxes

Enable Options in System Definitions must also be

enabled (box checked) in the

Used Fields of the

Transaction Type to be activated on the LCR 600 or DMS.

Enable Options Enabled?