Introduction, Flightconnect office software overview – Liquid Controls FlightConnect Office User Manual
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FlightConnect Office Software Overview
FlightConnect Office is a software package for office computers used in FlightConnect Fueling Systems. Software
in the package is used in conjunction with FlightConnect fueling software (installed on DMS and LCR 600 units in
the FlightConnect network) and DBManager software (installed on the office computer). FlightConnect DMS and
FlightConnect LCR 600 are automated data capture and data management systems for into-plane fueling operations.
FlightConnect collects the details of each fueling and wirelessly transmits the fueling data to the office. DBManager
includes LCP Setup, a program for configuring communication settings, and DBManager, a program that identifies
LCR 600 and DMS units, prepares file paths, schedules data transmissions and transmits data between the office and
the LCR 600s.
FlightConnect Office includes Flight Connect Read (ACRead.exe),
a file conversion program; FlightConnect Edit (FlightConnect Edit.
exe), a database management interface; and FlightConnect Dispatch
(ACDispatch.exe), an interface that configures and wirelessly
dispatches scheduled fueling assignments to LCR 600s on the tarmac.
If you are using FlightConnect Office on multiple computers, one copy
is required for each computer.
FlightConnect Office software provides a user-friendly interface where users:
• Manage the FlightConnect database on the computer and the DMS and LCR 600 units in the FlightConnect network
• Convert fuel delivery files for transfer to third-party software
• Validate database changes made in the field
• Dispatch fueling assignments to LCR 600 units in the FlightConnect network
FlightConnect Dispatch
FlightConnect Read
flIGhTConneCT Read (ACRead.exe)
FlightConnect Read converts transaction files
(Comp501.trn), sent from DMS and LCR 600 units in
the network, into files (.txt or .xml) for use in third-party
accounting or spreadsheet software. It is a service
application designed, in conjunction with DBManager,
to run in the background of the computer. FlightConnect
Read and DBManager must both be open on the
computer to receive and convert transaction files.
FlightConnect Edit
flIGhTConneCT edIT (ACEdit.exe)
FlightConnect Edit is a user interface where users can
manage FlightConnect database files, change settings to
FlightConnect fueling software (DMS and LCR 600 units
in the network), and convert FlightConnect files into text
files (and text files into FlightConnect files).
flIGhTConneCT dIspaTCh (ACDispatch.exe)
FlightConnect Dispatch is a user interface where
fueling assignments (dispatches) can be configured
and dispatched to LCR 600 units in the FlightConnect
network. Dispatch can also be configured to send email
and SMS alerts to notify fuelers and other personnel that
a fueling dispatch has been sent to the LCR 600.
LC recommends that if the software is running
on one computer and not running on a server
that multiple computers have access to, only one
licence of software should be used as multiple
PC with multiple databases could cause issues.