9 connecting the matrix frame to an external alarm, Connecting the matrix frame to an external alarm – Clear-Com HX System Frames User Manual
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6.9 Connecting the matrix frame to an external alarm
You can connect the Eclipse HX-Omega / Eclipse HX-Median / Eclipse HX-Delta matrix
frame to an external alarm device using the Alarm I/O DB-9F connector.
Pins are also available for connecting an external alarm source to the matrix frame’s internal
Alarm System.
For details on the functions that are monitored by the Alarm System, see the Eclipse
HX-Omega, Eclipse HX-Median or Eclipse HX-Delta User Guides.
When an external alarm is connected to the matrix frame, a system failure will activate the
relay contacts connected to pins 4, 5, and 9 of the Alarm I/O DB-9F connector.
The relay contacts connected to pins 4, 5 and 9 are ‘dry’, and are rated at 1 A at 24 VDC.
They are not recommended for AC mains line current.
Pins are provided for adding an additional alarm source to the matrix’s alarm system. Pin 6
is an alarm input to the matrix frame. The pin is connected to the input of a 3.3V logic device.
A logic high on this input will cause an alarm condition in the matrix frame.
Pin 1 is a voltage source out of the matrix frame. It is connected through a 10k ohm pull-up
resistor to the +5 volt supply rail inside the matrix. A contact closure placed across pins 1
and 6 will also cause an alarm condition.
6.9.1 Connecting to the alarm outputs of the PSU-101 power supply
The alarm outputs of the PSU-101 could be wired directly to the pins of the Alarm I/O DB-9F
connector described above, permitting the CPU card to report PSU failures also. Shielded
cable should be used.
Figure 17: Alarm I/O connector
Relay Normally Closed
Relay Wiper
Relay Normally Open
To Alarm
To Alarm
PSU-101 Alarm
Relay Connector
System Frame
Alarm I/O DB-9F
Eclipse HX Matrix Frame Installation Guide