Clear-Com HX System Frames User Manual
Page 4
Eclipse HX-Omega and Eclipse HX-Median ................................................... 27
Recommended cables, connectors and wiring tools ....................................... 33
Connecting the matrix frame to a PC running EHX ................................................ 35
Connecting the matrix frame to an Ethernet network ............................................. 38
Connecting the matrix frame to a PC running Production Maestro Pro .................. 39
Modes for General Purpose Inputs (GPIs) ...................................................... 46
E & M signalling with an E-QUE E1 / T1 interface card .......................................... 48
Example: Ship-to-shore satellite system ......................................................... 48
Enabling E & M signaling on the E-QUE card ................................................. 49
Using the GPIs / GPOs to trigger actions ........................................................ 51
Connecting to the alarm outputs of the PSU-101 power supply ...................... 53
Eclipse HX Matrix Frame Installation Guide