Ml210 functions – Burkert Type 8055 User Manual
Page 21

SE 56
1.1 Insert ND of sensor ( 0-3000 )
1.2 Calibration data of sensor visualized on sensor’s label
1.3 Sensors model: Enter the first two characters of the serial number of the sensor
1.4 Position for insertion sensors: 0=1/8DN, 1=1/2DN, 2=7/8DN
1.5 Factory parameter
1.6 length of the cable connecting the sensor to the converter
1.7 Enables the empty pipe detection feature
1.8* Enables the automatic zero calibration system
1.9* Enables the automatic calibration procedure of the empty pipe detection
2.1*Full scale value set for range N.1
2.2*Full scale value set for range N.2
2.3* Unit of measure and number of decimal totalizes
2.4* Pulse value on channel 1
2.5* Pulse value on channel 2
2.7* Duration of the pulse generated on channel 2
2.8 Full scale freq. for channel 1 (0.1Hz-1000.0Hz) (0.1Hz-10000Hz con modulo opt.)
2.9 Full scale freq. for channel 2 (0.1Hz-1000.0Hz) (0.1Hz-10000Hz con modulo opt.)
2.10Enable/disable the selection of mass units on full scale set
2.6* Duration of the pulse generated on channel 1
3.1* Time constant
3.2 Filter on the power supply: 0.1s=“ready” measure; 0.5s=filter of noise on the liquid
3.3* Acceleration threshold
3.4* Anomalous signal pick cut off threshold
3.5 Low flow zero threshold: 0-25% of full scale value
3.7* Automatic change of scale
3.8* Energy saving
3.6 Enable every hour a internal cycle of calibration. The measure it's stopped for 8-15 sec.
4.1 Maximum value alarm set for direct flow rate
4.2 Maximum value alarm set for reverse flow rate
4.3 Minimum value alarm set for direct flow rate
4.4 Minimum value alarm set for reverse flow rate
4.5 Hysteresis threshold set for the minimum and maximum flow rate alarms
4.7*Current output value in case of failure
4.8*Frequency output value in case of failure
4.9*Batch safety timer
4.6 Empty pipe detection threshold. It’s automatically set by the function 1.9
2.11Specific gravity set in kg/dm³
ML210 Functions
(for detail functions with symbol “*”see the manual from page 27)
The function in grey colour are visualized on display only with other active
functions or with optional modules