Brooks – Brooks Instrument 5851EM User Manual

Page 22

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Models 5965, 5851EM

Section 2 Installation

Installation and Operation Manual


Part Number: 541B122AAG

September, 2009

Electrical Hookup (Voltage l/O Version)
For installations which replace Unit lnstrument’s UFC-1000’s, (Card Edge
version) Pin 10 is f requently grounded. ln these situations the 5 Volt
reference output must be disabled. Refer to Section 2-7.

For installations which will be connected to Brooks secondary electronics,
the Card Edge version must have the 5 Volt reference enabled on pin 10.
Refer to section 2-7. lt lhe Model 5965/5851EM was shipped as a system
with Brooks secondary electronics then the electronics will already be
configured properly.

Remote Set-Point (Command) Input
lf the mass flow controller is to be commanded by an external 0-5 Vdc
signal, the command potentiometer is not used.

The command input hookup is as follows:
A. Card Edge Connector
Connect the external command voltage toTerminal A, and external
command return to Terminal B. Refer to Figures 2-1 and 3-3..
B. D-Connector
Connect the external command voltage to Terminal 9 and external
command return to Terminal 1. Refer to Figures 2-2 and 3-4.

Valve Override
The valve override function allows full opening and closing of the valve
independent of the command setting. The unique command reset feature
prevents flow overshoot when the controller goes from valve override
closed to normal control. The valve override for the mass flow controller is
as follows:

a. To open the valve, apply +15 Vdc to the valve override terminal.
b. To close the valve, apply -15 Vdc to the valve override terminal.
c. lsolating the valve override terminal returns the controller to normal

A. Card Edge
The valve override function can be accessed from Terminal 9. Refer to
Figure 2-1. Note: For normal operation Terminal 9 must be left open

B. D-Connector
The valve override function is accessed from Terminal 12. Refer to Figures
2-2 and 2-3.

ValveTest PoinVPurge
Refer to Figures 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3. The valve voltage can be monitored on
Pin D of the card Edge version and Pin 7 of the D-connector version. This
voltage relative to circuit common is proportional to the valve voltage per
the following equation:

Valve Voltage = 14.2 Voltage at the valve voltage test point (TP3)