Wƌğ^ƚăƌƚƶɖśğđŭ>ŝɛƚ;^,žŷdeͿ, Pre startup check list (shc ondemand – ClimaCool SHC onDEMAND 30, 50, 70, 85 Manual User Manual

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PreStartUp R-410A SHC onDEMAND



Project Name: _________________________________________________Date:___________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________



1. Are modules connected properly per Codes and Installation Manual?



(Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual is available at


2. Does the module(s) nameplate voltage agree with the site voltage being supplied?



3. Is there a minimum of 60 mesh strainer on condenser and evaporator inlet water?



(Fill water to chiller being sure to pass through a minimum of 60 mesh strainer.)

4. Is condenser water system filled and flushed? (See “Filling the Water System” in ClimaCool IO&M.)



5. Is chilled water system filled, flushed and all air purged from system?



(Air must be purged from system prior to startup. See “Filling the Water System” in ClimaCool IO&M.)

6. Are all pumps tested and operational?



7. Is required GPM (verified by pressure differential) supplied to the chilled water side?



(See project specifications or selection and performance sheets available from ClimaCool Sales Rep.)

8. Is required GPM/Pressure differential being supplied to the condenser?



(See project specifications or selection and performance sheets available from ClimaCool Sales Rep.)

9. Are the pressure differential flow sensors or switches set to trip on the drop below required flows?



(Set to trip on low flow (less than 75% flow), not pump on/off.)

10. Have all chiller coupling connections been leak tested?



11. Is water presently circulating through chiller?



12. Verified that temperature sensors and voltage/phase monitor have been installed?



13. Verified power supply agrees with chiller nameplate?



14. Is power and communication wiring complete to each module?



15. Verify that wiring and devices meet with approved electrical submittal drawings?



16. Is required load available to run multiple compressors at startup?



17. Is control functional to maintain condenser water temperature?



(Includes maintaining “minimum” inlet temperature; see “Operational Limitations” in ClimaCool IO&M.)

18. Is a water header bypass installed at the chiller? _________ ClimaCool provided? _________Field provided? (Check one)

If you checked “No” to any question above, provide the line reference number and the date of scheduled completion below.
Please note all conditions must be complete prior to the startup date.

This form must be completed and submitted to ClimaCool Corp. a minimum of three (3) weeks prior to final scheduling of any startup.
NOTE: If any of the above items are not complete at time of startup, back charges will be assessed for additional costs.




Address: ___________________________



(Authorized Signature)



Date: _________________________________________

Pre Startup Check List (SHC onDEMAND




