Trigger functions – Atec Rohde-Schwarz-FSH Series User Manual
Page 6

Version 15.01, July 2013
Rohde & Schwarz R&S
FSH13/ R&S
FSH20 Spectrum Analyzer
Other interfering signals,
signal level – RF attenuation < –20 dBm
FSH8, serial number < 105000
f ≤ 3.6 GHz,
spurious at f
– 2440.7 MHz
< –60 dBc
3.6 GHz < f ≤ 8 GHz,
spurious at f
– 4465.7 MHz
< –60 dBc
FSH8, serial number ≥ 105000, R&S
FSH13, R&S
f ≤ 3.6 GHz,
spurious at f
– 2446.4 MHz
< –60 dBc
3.6 GHz < f ≤ 8 GHz,
spurious at f
– 4462.4 MHz
< –60 dBc
8 GHz < f ≤ 20 GHz,
< –60 dBc
Other interfering signals, related to local
f ≤ 3.6 GHz
∆f < 300 kHz
–60 dBc
∆f ≥ 300 kHz
< –60 dBc
f > 3.6 GHz
∆f < 300 kHz
–54 dBc
∆f ≥ 300 kHz
< –54 dBc
f = receive frequency
Residual spurious response
input matched with 50 Ω,
without input signal, RBW ≤ 30 kHz,
f ≥ 3 MHz, RF attenuation = 0 dB,
tracking generator off
< –90 dBm
Level display
Logarithmic level axis
1/2/5/10/20/50/100 dB, 10 divisions
Linear level axis
0 % to 100 %, 10 divisions
Number of traces
Trace detectors
max. peak, min. peak, auto peak, sample,
Trace functions
clear/write, max. hold, min. hold, average,
Setting range of reference level
–80 dBm to +30 dBm
Units of level axis
dBm, dBmV, dBµV, V, W
Level measurement uncertainty
Absolute level uncertainty at 100 MHz
+20 °C to +30 °C
< 0.3 dB
Frequency response (+20 °C to +30 °C)
9 kHz ≤ f < 100 kHz
(models .04/.14/.08/.18 only)
nominal < 1.5 dB
100 kHz ≤ f < 10 MHz
nominal < 1.5 dB
10 MHz ≤ f ≤ 3.6 GHz
< 1 dB
3.6 GHz < f ≤ 20 GHz
< 1.5 dB
Attenuator uncertainty
< 0.3 dB
Uncertainty of reference level setting
nominal < 0.1 dB
Display nonlinearity
SNR > 16 dB, 0 dB to –50 dB,
logarithmic level display
< 0.2 dB
Bandwidth switching uncertainty
reference: RBW = 10 kHz
nominal < 0.1 dB
Total measurement uncertainty
95 % confidence level, +20 °C to +30 °C,
SNR > 16 dB, 0 dB to –50 dB below reference level, RF attenuation auto
10 MHz ≤ f ≤ 3.6 GHz
< 1 dB, typ. 0.5 dB
3.6 GHz < f ≤ 20 GHz
< 1.5 dB, typ. 1 dB
Trigger functions
Trigger source
free run, video, external
External trigger level threshold
low → high transition
2.4 V
high → low transition
0.7 V
Gated trigger
Gate source
Gate delay
10 µs to 100 s, min. resolution 10 µs
(or 1 % of delay)
Gate length
10 µs to 100 s, min. resolution 10 µs
(or 1 % of gate length)