Atec Agilent-N5183A User Manual
Page 17
Trigger in
This high impedance input accepts TTL and
CMOS level signals for triggering point-to-point
in sweep mode. Damage levels are ≤ –0.3 V and
≥ +5.3 V.
Trigger out
Outputs a TTL and CMOS compatible level
signal for use with sweep mode. The signal is
high at start of dwell, or when waiting for point
trigger in manual sweep mode; low when dwell
is over or point trigger is received. This output
can also be programmed to indicate when the
source is settled, pulse synchronization, or pulse
video. Nominal output impedance is 50 ohms.
Input damage levels are ≤ –0.3 V and ≥ +5.3 V.
Reference input
Accepts a 10 MHz reference signal used to
frequency lock the internal timebase. Option 1ER
adds the capability to lock to a frequency from
1 MHz to 50 MHz. Nominal input level –3.5 to
+20 dBm, impedance 50 Ω.
10 MHz out
Outputs the 10 MHz reference signal used by
internal time base. Level is nominally +3.9 dBm.
Nominal output impedance 50 Ω. Input damage
level is +16 dBm.
USB 2.0
The USB connector provides remote programming
LAN (100 BaseT)
The LAN connector provides the same SCPI
remote programming functionality as the GPIB
connector. The LAN connector is also used to
access the internal web server and FTP server.
The LAN supports DHCP, sockets SCPI, VXI-11
SCPI, connection monitoring, dynamic host name
services, TCP keep alive. This interface is LXI
class C compliant.
The GPIB connector provides remote
programming functionality via SCPI.
ALC input
This female BNC connector is used for negative
external detector leveling.
Input impedance
100 kΩ (nominal)
Signal levels
–0.2 mV to –0.5 V
Damage levels
≤ –12 V and ≥ 1 V
Z-axis output
This female BNC connector supplies a +5 V
(nominal) level during retrace and band switch
intervals of a step or list sweep. During step or
list sweep, this connector supplies a –5 V
(nominal) level when the RF frequency is at a
marker frequency and intensity marker mode is
on. The load impedance should be ≥ 5 kΩ.